
El ITC recibe propuestas desde 5 países para ensayar tecnología disruptiva de valorización de salmuera dentro del área experimental de Pozo Izquierdo

El Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias (ITC) ha recibido seis propuestas de empresas privadas de cinco países diferentes como respuesta la consulta preliminar de mercado, lanzada el pasado mes de mayo para buscar tecnología disruptiva en fase experimental o comercial de valorización de salmuera de plantas desaladoras de agua de mar. (more…)

Aquaporin announces collaboration on novel desalination and wastewater pilot project

A collaboration between Aquaporin, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Canary Islands Institute of Technology will develop a revolutionizing forward osmosis pilot plant based in Mancomunidad del Sureste de Gran Canaria. (more…)

ITC, invited by the el Renew Rebuild Hawaii to participate in a Forum on Fresh Water on Volcanic Islands

Last 30th June ITC was invited to participate in the Fresh Water Forum on Volcanic Islands organized by RENEW REBUILD HAWAII, a cross-sector consortia – public/private partnership including all levels of government, military, nonprofits, university, and utilities/energy industry – that meet to exchange information and promote energy efficiency initiatives, financing, and programs. The Forum was supported by the Hawaii State Energy Office. The Canary Islands program was presented by Dr. Salvador Suárez (Head of the ITC Renewable Energy Department) and Mr. Juan Antonio de la Fuente (Researcher at the Water Department), it drew 88 people from all over Hawaii, the highest number any of the previous events had generated. The attending public showed great interest in the know-how accumulated by ITC in its more than 25 years working on solutions related to the Water-Energy nexus, as well as in the measures developed to face the historic water resources scarcity suffered in the Canarian Archipelago and the initiatives carried out in order to achieve the maximum penetration of renewable energies in the weak electrical grid existing in the Canary Islands. The local speakers were Barry Usagawa P.E. (Program Administrator for the Water Resources Division of the Honolulu Board of Water Supply), Eugene Tian, PhD (State of Hawaii economist) and Manfred Zapka PhD, P.E, (Great Places and Spaces). The video with all the interventions is available here:  

Canary Islands, international meeting point for R&D&i in desalination thanks to the EDS Congress

DESAL+ Living Lab platform has been a key factor in holding this Conference in the Islands thanks to the contributions of Agencia Canaria de Investigación  y Sociedad de la Información (ACIISI) and the ITC, in coordination with the EDS. This year’s congress paid tribute to Miriam Balaban, an icon in the world of desalination. The international conference ‘Desalination for the Environment: Clean Water and Energy’ took place at the Alfredo Kraus Auditorium, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria from the 20th to the 23rd June 2022. This important international scientific event on water management and efficiency was postponed for two years due to the COVID-19 health crisis. This edition of the biannual EDS Conference, promoted by the European Desalination Society (EDS), with the support of the Spanish Association of Desalination and Reuse (AEDYR) and the Government of the Canary Islands through the DESAL+ Living Lab platform, had more than 160 plenary talks, framed in 28 thematic sessions, and more than 50 poster presentations, once again being the meeting point for more than 400 worldwide experts and professionals in water management. The conference brought together research scientists, decision makers, managers, design engineers, and operators from water companies, industries, government departments, consulting firms, research institutes, and universities; and was devoted to advances towards providing fresh water for all, at an affordable cost and with economical energy requirements, for sustainable development. In the afternoon of 20 June, two workshops took place. One dealing with desalination brines valorization called “Ocean Brine Mining” and the other called “Artificial intelligence: potentialities and challenges in desalination” supported by DESAL+ Living Lab and E5DES project, where smart water management systems and questions like “How exactly Artificial intelligence can contribute to resolve the most important challenges faced in desalination?” and “What are the potential and practical applications of Artificial intelligence in desalination?” were discussed. The opening ceremony took place on Tuesday 21 June, with the ITC’s R&D&i Director, Gonzalo Piernavieja Izquierdo as master of ceremony. The opening board was formed by the president of EDS, Ursula Annunziata, his Excellency the Governor Abdullah Ibrahim Al-Abdul-Karim, from SWCC, the president of AEDyR, Domingo Zarzo Martínez, the director of the ACIISI on behalf of the Canary Islands Government, Carlos Navarro Martínez, and the manager of the Gran Canaria Water Council, Carmelo Santana. As an honorary member of this edition, the American researcher and Editor Miriam Balaban took part, recognized for her work in scientific communication on desalination, Secretary-General IDA, Shannon McCarthy also said some words dedicated to Miriam. There was also an exhibition area with 34 stands, in which various companies presented the latest advances in electromechanical equipment (ERDs and HPPs), filter media, membranes, chemical additives, as well as associations and corporations from the world of water desalination, such as our DESAL+ Living Lab platform. The Conference concluded on Thursday afternoon, 23 June, with the visit to the DESAL+ Living Lab infrastructures, in particular, the ITC facilities in Pozo Izquierdo and PLOCAN (Canary Islands Ocean Platform), in Taliarte. The Canarian support in this event, via DESAL+ Living Lab, is aligned with the objectives of the DESAL+ and E5DES projects to improve R&D capacities in watermanagement, within the framework of the Macaronesian cooperation financed by Interreg MAC.

Pasan con éxito a fase 2 de la CPP los dos pilotos de desalación de agua de mar de alta eficiencia

El Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias (ITC), con el apoyo del Cabildo de Gran Canaria – SPEGC, promueve el desarrollo experimental de soluciones emergentes a escala piloto de desalación de agua de mar de alta eficiencia, a través de un procedimiento de Compra Pública Precomercial (CPP). (more…)
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