
La desaladora Las Palmas III podrá beneficiarse de un sistema fotovoltaico flotante para mejorar su eficiencia

El estudio de viabilidad arroja datos concluyentes sobre mejoras operativas en la captación del agua y en el consumo energético del Complejo de Desalación de Piedra Santa, en Gran Canaria, al incorporar una planta solar flotante ’nearshore’ de 1,53 MW de capacidad. (more…)

Pre-commercial public Procurement to attract knowledge applicable to future desalination processes

The Canary Islands Institute of Technology (ITC) and the Sociedad de Promoción Económica de Gran Canaria, with the financial support of the Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria (Gran Canaria Island Council), launch a Pre-Commercial public Procurement (PCP) of disruptive technology in the seawater desalination sector. (more…)

Successful conclusions of the EDS Course and of the 20th edition of the ITC desalination-renewable energies online course

On September 30th and on October 30th, respectively, have concluded both courses organized under the framework of the DESAL+ Living Lab platform. (more…)

Analysis of the Water Remineralization in the Desalination Plant of Porto Santo Island – First Pilot Tests Results

One of the objectives of the DESAL+ project was to perform a study on the water post treatment system in the desalination plant of Porto Santo Island and propose solutions for an identified problem. (more…)

WECAN project has been proposed to the European call for proposals Innovation Funds – Large Scale Projects

The Wave Energy Canary Islands (WECAN) project aims to demonstrate and validate the lessons learnt during 10 years of wave energy technology design and offshore operation, breaking some of the barriers historically slowing the development and commercial implementation of the wave energy technology and sparking a faster development of the technology. (more…)
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